Are you in a healthy relationship?

Healthy Relationship Checklist

The truth is…we are hardwired to pursue and form meaningful relationships.  To be human means to connect with others.  The hard part is that these relationships are often the source of our greatest pain!   College life includes new relationships in all forms.  Roommates, friends, classmates and romance are all part of the “college experience”. The first relationship can sweep you off your feet and then land you flat on your back.  You can’t protect yourself from the challenges and hurts of relationships, but you CAN be mindful and open about how healthy relationships are. This checklist is meant to use at the beginning of a new romance; it will help you look for strengths, notice areas that are lacking or unhealthy and make decisions that are best for you.   Go through the list of questions below and answer each question honestly.  Use this to notice your relationship strengths and weakness. You may even get brave and ask your partner to fill it out too!  Either way…use this as a way to see what’s working, what needs growth, and what might be a red flag that it’s time to leave an unhealthy situation!

Here's your link:

Healthy Relationship Checklist 

Need support to understand unhealthy relationship patterns, or help getting healthy and strong after a bad break up?  enCOURAGE Counseling is a safe place for deep healing.  Together, we will look at patterns that no longer work, what might be the cause, and then set you on a new way of attaching and loving other people. Call today for your free 15-minute consultation 720-230-3076, or go to and make an appointment on my DIY appointment calendar.  You are worth the time and investment into a healthy, thriving relationship!