10 Great Ways to Enjoy Summer 2018!

Welcome to Summer 2018!  Today is the official start of summer...and it's the perfect time to start enjoying every moment!  The BEST goal for the summer is NO REGRETS about wasting time.  So...turn off the Netflix, roll out of bed, get a snack and get ready for 10 GREAT WAYS to enjoy your summer!

Click here for your Guide to a Great Summer:

Summer Fun 2018!

  psst....Sometimes people are surprised that they feel depressed or anxious during the summer.  The lack of schedule or friends on vacations can actually be really hard.  If you're feeling depressed, lonely, anxious or even suicidal, you need to tell someone today.  You can always text 741741 if you need to talk to someone 24/7.  This is a suicide hotline support that is always at your fingertips.

Need a safe place to talk?  enCOURAGE Counseling is a great place to talk about what's really going on and find new ways to see yourself and enjoy relationships with friends and family.  Call today for a free 15-minute consultation:  


You're not alone.