
Must-Reads for College and Career Success!

Books to Read on Your Journey Graduation is always's the after graduation that can feel overwhelming, depressing or just meh.  Finals are done.  Pomp, ceremony, gifts, cards and excitement are in the past.  And now it's time to get ready for college...or life AFTER college. It may seem like this is the WORST possible time to do a little...[ read more ]

enCOURAGEment…Notes on a Well-Written Life

First steps are always the hardest…the boldest…and the bravest. Maybe your first step is realizing that you’re feeling a bit lonely in a relationship.  Or maybe it’s saying “NO” to an automatic “yes” in your life.  Or maybe it’s realizing that in order to get a new result in your life, you need to make a call, talk to someone, get support...[ read more ]