
October Step Forward: ASK

"Don't Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life." Don Miguel Ruiz   Welcome October!  It’s hard to believe that summer is long gone, and we are all...[ read more ]

The First 6 Weeks of College Guide to Success

Welcome to College Life: The First 6 Weeks   YOU DID IT!  You moved into your dorm room or apartment, you got your books, your schedule, your roommate, your meal pass.  You might have even finished the first couple of weeks of classes. And it’s a lot. You may be finding yourself feeling incredibly swept up in all the activity...[ read more ]

Awake! September 2018 Calendar

We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn. Henry David Thoreau Welcome to September!  This is the month of seasons changing...of new schedules and early mornings...of saying goodbye to summer and hello to the world of school, work, and sometimes stress, depression and anxiety.  Gee...that doesn't sound...[ read more ]

Get Smart School Success #3: The Power of Thou

Get Smart Success Camp for Parents #3: The Power of Thou This week is the first week of school for most middle school and high school students in my town. There is a rush to get supplies (are the lists getting longer, or is it me?) and every necessity for clothing, snacks, and who knows what else! But I’m wondering if...[ read more ]

Get Smart Student Boot Camp #2: 3 Success Hacks that Will Change Your School Day You went shopping…backpack, pens, ridiculous amounts of stuff for classes you haven’t even started yet. I’m hoping you also got some really comfortable shoes and the perfect jeans or sweatshirt that will start your school year of right.  You’re looking ahead, but there is still this...[ read more ]