
Get Smart Calendar for August 2018

Get Smart… 30 Days of Stepping Forward into A New School Year! Click HERE for your Get Smart Calendar   Welcome to August! When I was an educator, I called it the “longest Sunday night” because of the anticipation the month held for the new school year.  Parents, students and educators all seem to understand the rhythm of the year.  Backpacks...[ read more ]

July Step Forward Calendar: FREE!

Here's your link to July's FREE! Calendar: July 2018 FREE Calendar   Happy July!  This is the heart of summer…the time to focus on how it feels to feel good.  During this month, we celebrate the ideas of Freedom…Independence…Liberty.  We barbecue and swim…light fireworks and enjoy fireflies dancing in the late evening. Anticipating this month made me wonder, “HOW FREE...[ read more ]

Must-Reads for College and Career Success!

Books to Read on Your Journey Graduation is always's the after graduation that can feel overwhelming, depressing or just meh.  Finals are done.  Pomp, ceremony, gifts, cards and excitement are in the past.  And now it's time to get ready for college...or life AFTER college. It may seem like this is the WORST possible time to do a little...[ read more ]